Friday, November 5, 2010

Baby Octopus and Other Cephalopods

Cephalopods are awesome. Not only are they one of the smartest creatures on earth, they're also kind of adorable. Especially a baby octopus- they're almost cuter than puppies. If you don't agree, it's only because you have yet to see any of these creatures...

I'm sneaking in a baby squid picture too :

Pretty freaking adorable. And since were on the subject of cephalopods, I thought I would add in a cartoon from one of my favorite sites xkcd

Thursday, November 4, 2010

The Bare Minimum

Lately I've been drawn to all of the minimalists posters on the web. Minimalism, for any who don't know, is a style of art where the fundamental ideas and themes are portrayed through the simplest of details. Somehow the nerdiest subjects seem to develop into the best designs. So, without further ado, here are my favorites from the web.

First, I found the most amazing pokemon minimalist wallpapers here: You need to go to the website itself to look at all 493 pokemon's individual poster, but here are a few to entice you to the link.

Next are the original trilogy Star Wars posters redone here buzzfeed. Although these may have slightly more details than the average minimalist design, they are clearly amazing works of art.

And, just to show what a real minimalist Star Wars poster would look like, I found these 


here at inspiredology which also had other fantastic minimalized movie posters.

I also found these wonderful whovian posters of some of the more famous Doctor Who villians at

For all of the above there are a ton more minimalist designs if you follow the link.

And lastly, this awesome t-shirt that you can buy at threadless. Man + Iron = Ironman. Simple, yet amazing.

P.S. look out for a possible vintage poster post later this week

Thursday, October 28, 2010

All Hallows Eevee

Okay spoiler alert! My Halloween costume is amazing. And Pokemon related. Thus prepare for quite a few Halloween/Pokemon posts up until this weekend.

The people who carved these are insane, but clearly more awesome than you or me:
and since I mentioned eevee in the title, heres at least one of its evolutions:
click to see more amazing pumpkins at buzzfeed

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Things that make you too happy to go to the dark side

Oh man. Two of my favorite things combined. I haven't been this excited about an interest crossover since I discovered the book Paul is Undead (zombies + the Beatles = better than sex)

And while I'm on a Star Wars roll, HAPPY HALLOWEEN:

from: geekstir

PS. If you haven't seen this paper animation of the og trilogy, it's guaranteed to make you smile : WATCH ME :) 

Monday, October 25, 2010

The Different Types of Nerds

Well right now I'm trying to get the whole site set up in a style that doesn't completely suck before the bombardment of posts come, but I couldn't resist letting this one slip by:
Which I found here threadless and you can actually buy as a tshirt !

Since you are at a site called NerdyNet anyways, you might as well figure out which type of nerd you are.

Saturday, October 23, 2010


So I guess this all started because I'm a horrible facebooker. Or at least one of those people on your news feed who posts to much and probably has been secretly blocked by everyone who isn't really close to me. As my facebook page became more and more clustered by (amazing) links and (ridiculously cool) pictures and posts, I decided I may need my own blog to put all this awesomeness.

So welcome to the Nerdy Net. The best of the internet (in my slightly humble, but clearly amazing point of view) all on one page. So enjoy :)